Monday, 6 February 2017

Englishmen and Englishwomen From the Pipe Roll of 1130


In the bookings known as the "Pipe Rolls" [Rotulum scaccarii vel Magnum rotulum pipae ] which truly begin with the kingship of Henry II is the odd hangover from an earlier time which hath been mistakenly infolded in it.   Joseph Hunter (1783-1861) the outlayer of the 1833 thrutching bestoweth upon it the following date:

“... accompts of the year ending in 1130, September 29. This day falling within the thirty-first year of the reign of Henry the First,...”

The English names found in the thirty two shires of England (see) therein I give in what followeth.


No English names, but alot of the bookings lost. 


“Et in libat Ælferi pbendar du vixit iii. s. 7 iii. d. nuo.” [lf.64]

“Uxor Walti fil Goduini 7 Rob fr Goduin redd copot de c.m. arg ut hant I custodia tra 7 pueros ipsi Walti.” [lf.66]


“Avicia uxor Colemani 7 pueri sui. Redd copot de dim m. auri. Ut ten I pace tra sua.”[lf.50] 

Berchescira .

Aldwin' de Niweb'ia. Deb. x. iii. Arg. p. plac. Thauri” [lf.122]  Newbury.
  “Wills fil Alwardi. Redd Copot de v. m. arg. p. tra 7 Minist' pat's sui.” [lf.124] 
“Wills Croc redd copot de cc m arg 7 ii m auri p filia Herb Camer cu maritag suo.” 
So William Croc wed the daughter of Herbert the  Camerarius or Chammberlain.
Willo fil Ailwardi .xii.s.” [lf.126]

“Et Ide Vic. Deb. c. li. 7 iii. m. auri. p. custodia tre Walti fil Uluric Venatoris donec heres suus possit tram tene.” [lf.37]
The sherriff hath the keeping of the land of Wulfric the Hunter.

Lf.38 “Osmund Croc redd compot de xlvi. s. 7 viii. d. ut rehat tra sua qa Wils de Calna habebat I Vadun.”[lf.38]
Of the well known kindred of Crux Easton in Hampshire.
“Odo fil Godrici redd copot de iii. m. arg. p. tra 9 Ministio Husbondu forest.” [lf.38]

“Ric fil Wichtlaci redd copot de x s p tra 7 ministio pat's sui.” [lf.38]

“[W]alchelin cleric fil Chepingi deb xii. m. auri. 7 I. Unc. 7 dim. Ut exiret de Captione.”[lf.39]

“Et in libat Leovrici Locc donec prexit ad Curia. x. s. nuo.”[lf.40]

“Et in pdon p br. R. … Rob fil Siwardi iii s.”[lf. 41]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Aldwino forbat xii. d.”[lf. 41]


“Ruald Croc red copot de censu foreste. in thauro vi li. 7 vi. s.”

Of the well known kindred of Crux Easton in Hampshire.
“Aluric pbr redd copot de vii m. arg. De plac Forestar. ...Uluric forestari redd copot de xx s de eisde plac.”[lvs. 20 to 21]

Two brothers maybe?

“Adelardo de Bada iiii. s. 7 vi. d.”[lf.22]
The well known polymath. 
Somerset seemingly unbooked or lost.


no English names.

“Osbt' fil Siwardi . deb .v. lii. arg . p tra pat's sui.” [lf.156]
“Ailwin' futerell” [lf.154]


“Ailward’ de Cildhātona . deb .vj. s. 7 .viij. d. de releuat militu Epat’. Linc.” [lf.5]

So an English knight from Childhampton belonging to the Bishop of Lincoln.

“Et in pdon p br. R.... Siwardo de Ardena. X. s.” [lf.6] 
Of the well known Warwickshire/Staffordshire kindred of Shakespeare's mother.

Above: Weapon of the Arden kindred.  It is the witherward of the weapon of the Beaumont kindred who were Earls of Warwick in the aftermath of 1066.  As if a shadow earl?  The blue and gold chess-board is truly the weapon of the Earls of Vermandois sprung from Charlemagne and which the Beaumont's took up (with an ermine chevron) after wedding a daughter of this house. This same daughter, leaving Beaumont, then wed the Earl of Surrey of the house of de Warenne with whom the blue and gold chess-board shield was then also taken up.  Whelme: wikipedia from

“Teodric molend de Popelicercha deb xv m arg p plac Cerui.” [lf.78]

“Sabricht Canonic redd copot de x li 7 iiii s 7 vi d p plac pecunie Rogi de Berchelai.”[lf.78]
There is a kindred in Gloucestershire called Seabright.

“Alur fil Godrici redd compot de xv m arg p tra 7 ministio pat's sui.”[lf.78]


 “Osbt de Ardena redd compot de x li p plac Willi Huboldi.” [lf.105]

 “Hugo de Hella redd copot de c s de p calupniis Leourici Locc.” [lf.107]

Rodbricht de Bradewella redd copot de c s de eisd plac ” [lf.107]

Rad fil Goduini de Halla redd copot de x m arg de eisd plac” [lf.107]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Leurico Loc .ij.s. Siwardo de Ardena .xxx. s.” [lf.108]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Walto Croc xvii s.”[lf.108]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Walto Anglico .vj. s. ”[lf.108]

 “Orm de Derlauestona redd copot de xxxiiii. s. 7 viii. d. p. plegio Symon de Sais.” [lf.73] 

Darlaston in Walsall.

“Et Ide Gotso redd copot de xiiii m. arg. P Alwardo de Sumerford.” [lf.73]

“Orm de Acoura deb xiii m. arg. Qa retin hoes Reg injuste.”[lf.75] Orm of Okeover gave 15 marks of silver for that he had unlawfully held up the king's men.
This is the forefather of the Okeover kindred.


Above: Weapon of the Okeover kindred. Ermine a chief gules charged with three bezants.

 “Liulf de Aldredeslega redd compot de cc m arg 7 x fug 7 x accipitr p morte Gamel.”[lf.75]

This is the forefather of the wel-known kindred of Audley. 

Through wedlock an offshoot of this kindred took the toname and weapon of Stanley whence the Earls of Derby.

“Suein archari deb xx m arg de plac forest.”[lf.75]

“Quida ho Gamel fil Griffin deb xl s p plac thauri.”

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Walto Croc viii.s”
Another one of the House of Croc. 

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Alur arcar vi s”

“Robt- fil Leuestani . rcdd Copot . de .xvj. li. de Gilda Telarioz London.” [lf.144]
“Witso fil Leuestani deb dim m auri p tra 7 ministro pat's sui.” [lf.145]
“Godwin' quachehand . deb .iiij.m. auri . ut habet pace de plac Monet.”[lf.146]
“Otho Alwinessune de ix m.
“Hugo fil Vlgeri
“Wido fil Vlgeri
“ Vluiet”[lf.147]
“Algar 7 Spracheling
“Tierrico fil Dermani
“Alurico Grosso
“Walts Norrisc
 “Rad Hauoc deb ii girfals 7 ii Accipitr norrisc ut habet eande q'etatione q pat suus huit.
So Hawk.


“Adam 7 Samso filii Aldwini Camer.


“Robt fil Siwardi redd compot de xv m. arg. P. ministio. 7 uxore Hugon chiuilli.” [lf.53]

“Alur de Cheaffeworda redd copot de xl. s. p rustico verbato.” [lf.55] Ælfrīċ of Chafford gave a fine of 40 shillings for "rustic" speaking.  Chafford here is Chafford Heath in Upminster, the moot-stow of Chafford Hundred.
“Et in pdon p br. R. …Rob fil Siwardi xiiii s” [lf.56]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Rad fil Algoti. x. s” [lf.59]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Rob fil Siwardi xxx.s. 7 vii.d” [lf.60]

“Godwin Dancere redd compot. De c. m. arg. p. plac de tra Herv monachi.” [lf.61]
So Dancer.

 “Et in pdon p br. R. …Hardingo svien Regine ix d.” [lf.62]
Harding servant of the queen. 

“Ailward de Risembgehundr redd copot de I m arg de eisde plac” [lf.100]

No English names.


“Hagena Jugement redd copot de ii. m. arg. Ut rex edonaret ei qd fugit de captioe 7 habet recta lege.” [lf.91]

"Jugement" seemingly as the king made him "in law" again.

“Ednod 7 Norman fr suus redd copot de v m arg p pace fracta.”[lf.92]

“Edmund de Gepeswic redd copot de v m arg p pace fracta.”[lf.92]

“Gunner de Gurlestona redd copot de xl s de eisde plac.”[lf.92]

“Vlchetell pbr redd copot de cc 7 xlv m arg de eisde plac.

Et in pdon p br R eide Vlchetello cc 7 xx m arg.”[lf.92]

“Goduin de Wichingeha redd copot de xl s de plac Ric bass. De Tietford.”[lf.93]

All from (Great) Yarmouth.

 “Hugo 7 Rog filii Alrici de Gernem redd copot de xx m arg p tra pat's sui.” [lf.91]

“Edstan de Gernemuda redd copot de xxxiii s 7 iiii d p plac thauri.”[lf.91]

“Siuerd de Gernem redd copot de x s p plac thauri.”[lf.92]

“Amund de Gernemv. copot de x s p plac thauri.”[lf.92]


“Wiuerona vxor Euerwacri de Gepeswic redd copot de iii li 7 I m arg ne capiat viru n que uoluerit.”[lf.96]


“Godwin de Taversham redd compot de ix li. 7 xv. s. p pace fracta.” [lf.45]

“Robt 7 Alwold de Lectona redd copot de v. m. arg. De plac G. de Clint. In pdon eisde v.m. Arg. P paupate sua.”[lf. 47]
Alwold from Leighton in Bromswold?

“Et Rumfaro xl. s. p. br. R. ad emd. I. Accipitr ad op Reg.” [lf.47]
 O.N. Rúmfari "one who makes the 'Rúm-ferð, m-fór', that is the pilgrimage to Rome".
“Uluric bulehals red Copot de ii m arg p defect duelli. In thauro libavit. Et quiet est.[lf.48]

 Wulfric Bulehals "Bull-neck".


 “Alur de Orlinberga red copot de I m arg p eode plac.” [lf.84]

Ælfrīċ of Orlingbury.


“Edgar de Saitona redd copot de xl s p tra par's sui.” [lf.134]

“Elwi 7 Schipeman redd compot de xm arg p plac thauri.”[lf.134]


  “Brichtwi pbr redd compot de x m arg de plac Ric Basset.”[lf.88]


“Ernewi’ de Minstertona red Copot de x m arg p recto tra sua. ” [lf.10]
Misterton, Nottinghamshire. 


“Alan fil Wigoti. Redd copot de xx m arg p omi veti debito pat's sui.” [lf.110]

“Outi de Linc. Redd copot de c accipitr norrisc 7 de c Girfals. Ita qd iiii ex his accip deb esse albi 7 vi girfals deb esse aldi. Et si n potit habe iiii Albos accip ic dabit iii albos girfals p iii accip alb. Et inde reddidit xxv girfals grisos. Et viii accip norrisc.” [lf.111]

“Vluiet de Hornecast deb c 7 v m arg p plac duelli int eu 7 hoiem suu.” [lf.112]

“Siward de Cantorp redd copot de x m arg de plac G. de Clint.” [lf.112]

“Godric de Gri[mesbi] redd copot de ii m arg 7 dim p quda thauro.” [lf.112]

“Siwat de Hoilanda redd copot de xii m arg. 7 dim p plac falsonarii.”[lf.112]

“Odo fil Chetelbti deb ii accip 7 ii girfals p tra pat's sui.”[lf.113]

“Wills fil Chetelli de Hornec redd copot de vii m arg p tra f'ris sui.”[lf.113]

“Haldena fil Lelle deb x m arg p pace fracta”[lf.113]

 “Vluerona uxor Vlf redd copot de vii m arg p pleg Toli.”[lf.113]

“Adelard de barou redd copot de lx m arg p plac falsi judicii.”[lf.115]

 “Rad fil Nig. Redd copot de L m arg de plac de Albin brit. Et Leowin de Rowella ho suus de xx m arg. Et Grimbald de Rowella ho suus de lx marg.” ”[lf.115]men of William of Albini

 “Alur fil God deb vii m arg p pace fracta.””[lf.116]

“Robt fil Chetelbti redd copot de xiii m arg p eode plac.”[lf.116]

“Grinchetell Mutere redd copot de v m arg p ...” [lf.116]

“Godric de Belesbi redd compot de v m arg de eisde plac. In pdon p br R eide Godrico xx d p amore Com Brittan.” [lf.116]

“Wills Orewite. Redd copot de x m arg de eisde plac.”[lf.116]

 “Chetell de Toresbi redd copot de x m arg de eisde plac”[lf.117]
“Alwin de Niweport redd copot de ii m arg de eisde plac.”[lf.118]
“Rad fil Godrici deb I equu de lx s ne placitet de tra sua.”[lf.118]

“Godric fil Leflet[lf.118]

“Rad 7 Godric ppositi de Grimesbi”[lf.118]

“Godric pbr Linc”[lf.118]

“Wigot de Hacetorna”[lf.119]

“Vlestan fil Goduini fabri”[lf.119]

“Alsi de Walescroft”[lf.120]

“Chetell de Crochesbi”[lf.120]

“Godric fil Alwini”[lf.120]

“Brand de Cast”[lf.120]

“Vlsi de Cheresbi”[lf.120]

“Ric fil Oswardi ”[lf.120]

“Turold de Estrebi”[lf.120]


 “Adam fil Sueini redd copot de . m. arg. p. dote mat's sue p' morte ei.”[Lf.25]

“Ivo fil Forn redd copot de c. s. p. tra pat's sui. Et de v. m. arg. De pla de Blida.” [Lf.25]
 This is the forefather of the well known Greystoke kindred.


“Benedict fil Aldreti de Everwic redd copot de. Xv m arg. P tra 7 Debitis pat's sui.” [lf.26]

And his brother's daughter maybe:
“Godereda filia Gospat’c fil Aldreti deb x m. arg. P recto de tra pat's sui.” [lf.31]

“Et in pdon p br. R.... Gameli de Hochesworda xx.s.”[lf.28]

“Et in pdon p br. R.... Chetello fil Sueini I. m. arg.”[lf.28]

“Et in pdon p br. R.... Ougrim de Frisemareis xl.s.”[lf.28]
Frismareis lost to the sea. But the FitzAlgrym kindred of some mark.

“Turfin fil Turfin. Redd copot. De v. m. arg. p. tra pat's sui.” [lf.32]

“Turbt fil Gamel. Redd copot de xl.m. Arg. Ut rex faciat ei habe saisitione de tra sua de Willo de Albamara.” [lf.33]

“Godric fil Chetelbti redd copot de iii. m. arg. De plac. W. espec.” [lf.33]

Turbert and Chetelbert are mistaken French dreeings at Þórbiǫrn and Ketilbiǫrn.

“Walts 7 Henr fr suus filii Ulchilli. Deb xx s. de eisde plac.”[lf.33]

Old tonames


KEMP(E) IS OFTEN AN OLD ENGLISH TONAME. iN THE WITNESS LIST TO CHARTER S1285 (British Museum Add. MS.15,350 f.61b 12th yearhundreds EVENLEDGING) DATED TO 902 in the mean reckoning, where Denewulf, bishop, and the "hiwan" at Winchester, lease to Beornwulf; of 15 hides at Ebbesborne, Wiltshire, we find "Eadulf Cempa".

Old English CEMPA "warrior"
Nominative - se cempa
Accusative - þone cempan
Genitive - þæs cempan
Dative - þǣm cempan
Instrumental - þȳ cempan
Plural Nominative - þā cempan
Accusative - þā cempan
Genitive - þāra cempena
Dative - þǣm cempum
Instrumental - þǣm cempum

In nomine Domini. Denewulf bisceop 7 þa hiwan in Wintanceastre leton to Beornulfa hiora landes xv hida æt Eblesburnan wið þam gafole ðe he wið bisceop 7 wið hiwan ared: ðæt is xlv scill[ingas] to hærfestes emnihte sie simle agyfen on ða gerad ðæt hine nage nan man of to aceapienne ne his bearn æfter his dege þa [h]wile þe hi ða gerihta forðbringan a magen; 7 eac ælce geare fultumien to þære cyrican bote þe ðet land to hyrð be ðem dæle þe ðet oðer fol[c] do, ælc be his landes meðe; 7 þa cyricsceattes mid rihte agyfe, 7 fyrde 7 brycge 7 festengeweorc hewe swa mon ofer eall folc do. 7 ðis wes gedon on ðara witena gewitnesse 7 ðafunge ðe hiora naman her benioðan standað awritene, ðe geare ðe wes agan fram Cristes acennesse twa winter 7 nigan hund. 7 ðet wes gedon on þære mæran stowe on Wintanceastre. Bisceop lyfde Beornulfe his mege þæt he moste þa inberðan menn hamettan to Eblesburnan. Nu hebbe ic hi hamet - Lufe 7 hire ðreo bearn 7 Luhan 7 his seax bearn. þonne geærendodon me ða hiwan on Wintanceastre ðet þa men mostan on þan londe wunien, hæfde swa ic swa minra freonda swelce hit hæfde. þonne weron þær ðreo witeðeowe men burbærde 7 ðreo ðeowberde; ða me salde bisceop 7 þa hiwan to ryhtre æhta 7 hire team. þis wes gedon ða man þa cyricean halgode æt Hysseburnan, on ðara manna gewitnessa þe hira naman her beneoðan standað: Ærest Denewulf bisceop
And Tata prb
And Beornstan prb
And Wigea diac
And Æþelstan prb
And Eadwulf pr
And Dyrewine pr
And Wulfhere Cidding
And Wulfstan pr
And Eadulf cempa
And Beorhtsige pr
And Windsige pr
And Ælfsige pr
And Denewulf Bisceop
And Tata pbr
And Byrnstan pb
And Eadstan Diac
 And Æþelstan pb
And Eadulf pb
And Ædelstan pb
And Ælfstan pb
And Wulfstan pb
And Wigea pb
And Wulfric pb
And Eahtan pb
And Winsige min
And Wulfred min
And Beorsige min
And Ælfsige min
And Eadulf min
And Wulfhelm min
And Wulsige min.

Awending from Florence Harmer, Select English Historical Documents of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries, no. 17
 In nomine Domini. Bishop Denewulf and the community at Winchester have let to Beornwulf fifteen hides of their land at Ebbesbourne at the rent which he has settled with the bishop and the community: that is, forty-five shillings are always to be paid at the autumnal equinox, on condition that no one be permitted by offering a higher rent to turn him out, or his children after his time, so long as ever they can produce the dues; and they are also to contribute every year to the repair of the church to which the estate belongs, in the proportion that the rest of the population do, each according to the extent of his property; and he shall duly pay the church-scots and perform (?) military service and the construction of bridges and fortresses, as is done throughout the whole nation. And this was done with the cognisance and permission of the councillors whose names are written below, in the nine hundred and second year after Christ's birth and in the famous foundation at Winchester. The bishop gave permission to his kinsman Beornwulf to take into his service (?) the persons born on the estate at Ebbesbourne. I have now taken then into my service (?) - Lufu and her three children and Luha and his six children. Now the community at Winchester has begged from me that these persons might remain on the estate, whether I had it or any of my friends. Moreover there were on it three penal serfs of peasant birth and three persons of servile birth; these the bishop and the community gave me as my rightful property, with their offspring. This was done when the church at Hurstbourne was consecrated, with the cognisance of the men whose names stand written below.

Markworth is that  Wulfhere Cidding and Wulfhere Cidding who sign this are not araught as either priests or deacons, or thanes (ministri).  So among the witan what are they?