Monday 6 February 2017

Old tonames


KEMP(E) IS OFTEN AN OLD ENGLISH TONAME. iN THE WITNESS LIST TO CHARTER S1285 (British Museum Add. MS.15,350 f.61b 12th yearhundreds EVENLEDGING) DATED TO 902 in the mean reckoning, where Denewulf, bishop, and the "hiwan" at Winchester, lease to Beornwulf; of 15 hides at Ebbesborne, Wiltshire, we find "Eadulf Cempa".

Old English CEMPA "warrior"
Nominative - se cempa
Accusative - þone cempan
Genitive - þæs cempan
Dative - þǣm cempan
Instrumental - þȳ cempan
Plural Nominative - þā cempan
Accusative - þā cempan
Genitive - þāra cempena
Dative - þǣm cempum
Instrumental - þǣm cempum

In nomine Domini. Denewulf bisceop 7 þa hiwan in Wintanceastre leton to Beornulfa hiora landes xv hida æt Eblesburnan wið þam gafole ðe he wið bisceop 7 wið hiwan ared: ðæt is xlv scill[ingas] to hærfestes emnihte sie simle agyfen on ða gerad ðæt hine nage nan man of to aceapienne ne his bearn æfter his dege þa [h]wile þe hi ða gerihta forðbringan a magen; 7 eac ælce geare fultumien to þære cyrican bote þe ðet land to hyrð be ðem dæle þe ðet oðer fol[c] do, ælc be his landes meðe; 7 þa cyricsceattes mid rihte agyfe, 7 fyrde 7 brycge 7 festengeweorc hewe swa mon ofer eall folc do. 7 ðis wes gedon on ðara witena gewitnesse 7 ðafunge ðe hiora naman her benioðan standað awritene, ðe geare ðe wes agan fram Cristes acennesse twa winter 7 nigan hund. 7 ðet wes gedon on þære mæran stowe on Wintanceastre. Bisceop lyfde Beornulfe his mege þæt he moste þa inberðan menn hamettan to Eblesburnan. Nu hebbe ic hi hamet - Lufe 7 hire ðreo bearn 7 Luhan 7 his seax bearn. þonne geærendodon me ða hiwan on Wintanceastre ðet þa men mostan on þan londe wunien, hæfde swa ic swa minra freonda swelce hit hæfde. þonne weron þær ðreo witeðeowe men burbærde 7 ðreo ðeowberde; ða me salde bisceop 7 þa hiwan to ryhtre æhta 7 hire team. þis wes gedon ða man þa cyricean halgode æt Hysseburnan, on ðara manna gewitnessa þe hira naman her beneoðan standað: Ærest Denewulf bisceop
And Tata prb
And Beornstan prb
And Wigea diac
And Æþelstan prb
And Eadwulf pr
And Dyrewine pr
And Wulfhere Cidding
And Wulfstan pr
And Eadulf cempa
And Beorhtsige pr
And Windsige pr
And Ælfsige pr
And Denewulf Bisceop
And Tata pbr
And Byrnstan pb
And Eadstan Diac
 And Æþelstan pb
And Eadulf pb
And Ædelstan pb
And Ælfstan pb
And Wulfstan pb
And Wigea pb
And Wulfric pb
And Eahtan pb
And Winsige min
And Wulfred min
And Beorsige min
And Ælfsige min
And Eadulf min
And Wulfhelm min
And Wulsige min.

Awending from Florence Harmer, Select English Historical Documents of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries, no. 17
 In nomine Domini. Bishop Denewulf and the community at Winchester have let to Beornwulf fifteen hides of their land at Ebbesbourne at the rent which he has settled with the bishop and the community: that is, forty-five shillings are always to be paid at the autumnal equinox, on condition that no one be permitted by offering a higher rent to turn him out, or his children after his time, so long as ever they can produce the dues; and they are also to contribute every year to the repair of the church to which the estate belongs, in the proportion that the rest of the population do, each according to the extent of his property; and he shall duly pay the church-scots and perform (?) military service and the construction of bridges and fortresses, as is done throughout the whole nation. And this was done with the cognisance and permission of the councillors whose names are written below, in the nine hundred and second year after Christ's birth and in the famous foundation at Winchester. The bishop gave permission to his kinsman Beornwulf to take into his service (?) the persons born on the estate at Ebbesbourne. I have now taken then into my service (?) - Lufu and her three children and Luha and his six children. Now the community at Winchester has begged from me that these persons might remain on the estate, whether I had it or any of my friends. Moreover there were on it three penal serfs of peasant birth and three persons of servile birth; these the bishop and the community gave me as my rightful property, with their offspring. This was done when the church at Hurstbourne was consecrated, with the cognisance of the men whose names stand written below.

Markworth is that  Wulfhere Cidding and Wulfhere Cidding who sign this are not araught as either priests or deacons, or thanes (ministri).  So among the witan what are they?

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