Monday 6 February 2017

Englishmen and Englishwomen From the Pipe Roll of 1130


In the bookings known as the "Pipe Rolls" [Rotulum scaccarii vel Magnum rotulum pipae ] which truly begin with the kingship of Henry II is the odd hangover from an earlier time which hath been mistakenly infolded in it.   Joseph Hunter (1783-1861) the outlayer of the 1833 thrutching bestoweth upon it the following date:

“... accompts of the year ending in 1130, September 29. This day falling within the thirty-first year of the reign of Henry the First,...”

The English names found in the thirty two shires of England (see) therein I give in what followeth.


No English names, but alot of the bookings lost. 


“Et in libat Ælferi pbendar du vixit iii. s. 7 iii. d. nuo.” [lf.64]

“Uxor Walti fil Goduini 7 Rob fr Goduin redd copot de c.m. arg ut hant I custodia tra 7 pueros ipsi Walti.” [lf.66]


“Avicia uxor Colemani 7 pueri sui. Redd copot de dim m. auri. Ut ten I pace tra sua.”[lf.50] 

Berchescira .

Aldwin' de Niweb'ia. Deb. x. iii. Arg. p. plac. Thauri” [lf.122]  Newbury.
  “Wills fil Alwardi. Redd Copot de v. m. arg. p. tra 7 Minist' pat's sui.” [lf.124] 
“Wills Croc redd copot de cc m arg 7 ii m auri p filia Herb Camer cu maritag suo.” 
So William Croc wed the daughter of Herbert the  Camerarius or Chammberlain.
Willo fil Ailwardi .xii.s.” [lf.126]

“Et Ide Vic. Deb. c. li. 7 iii. m. auri. p. custodia tre Walti fil Uluric Venatoris donec heres suus possit tram tene.” [lf.37]
The sherriff hath the keeping of the land of Wulfric the Hunter.

Lf.38 “Osmund Croc redd compot de xlvi. s. 7 viii. d. ut rehat tra sua qa Wils de Calna habebat I Vadun.”[lf.38]
Of the well known kindred of Crux Easton in Hampshire.
“Odo fil Godrici redd copot de iii. m. arg. p. tra 9 Ministio Husbondu forest.” [lf.38]

“Ric fil Wichtlaci redd copot de x s p tra 7 ministio pat's sui.” [lf.38]

“[W]alchelin cleric fil Chepingi deb xii. m. auri. 7 I. Unc. 7 dim. Ut exiret de Captione.”[lf.39]

“Et in libat Leovrici Locc donec prexit ad Curia. x. s. nuo.”[lf.40]

“Et in pdon p br. R. … Rob fil Siwardi iii s.”[lf. 41]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Aldwino forbat xii. d.”[lf. 41]


“Ruald Croc red copot de censu foreste. in thauro vi li. 7 vi. s.”

Of the well known kindred of Crux Easton in Hampshire.
“Aluric pbr redd copot de vii m. arg. De plac Forestar. ...Uluric forestari redd copot de xx s de eisde plac.”[lvs. 20 to 21]

Two brothers maybe?

“Adelardo de Bada iiii. s. 7 vi. d.”[lf.22]
The well known polymath. 
Somerset seemingly unbooked or lost.


no English names.

“Osbt' fil Siwardi . deb .v. lii. arg . p tra pat's sui.” [lf.156]
“Ailwin' futerell” [lf.154]


“Ailward’ de Cildhātona . deb .vj. s. 7 .viij. d. de releuat militu Epat’. Linc.” [lf.5]

So an English knight from Childhampton belonging to the Bishop of Lincoln.

“Et in pdon p br. R.... Siwardo de Ardena. X. s.” [lf.6] 
Of the well known Warwickshire/Staffordshire kindred of Shakespeare's mother.

Above: Weapon of the Arden kindred.  It is the witherward of the weapon of the Beaumont kindred who were Earls of Warwick in the aftermath of 1066.  As if a shadow earl?  The blue and gold chess-board is truly the weapon of the Earls of Vermandois sprung from Charlemagne and which the Beaumont's took up (with an ermine chevron) after wedding a daughter of this house. This same daughter, leaving Beaumont, then wed the Earl of Surrey of the house of de Warenne with whom the blue and gold chess-board shield was then also taken up.  Whelme: wikipedia from

“Teodric molend de Popelicercha deb xv m arg p plac Cerui.” [lf.78]

“Sabricht Canonic redd copot de x li 7 iiii s 7 vi d p plac pecunie Rogi de Berchelai.”[lf.78]
There is a kindred in Gloucestershire called Seabright.

“Alur fil Godrici redd compot de xv m arg p tra 7 ministio pat's sui.”[lf.78]


 “Osbt de Ardena redd compot de x li p plac Willi Huboldi.” [lf.105]

 “Hugo de Hella redd copot de c s de p calupniis Leourici Locc.” [lf.107]

Rodbricht de Bradewella redd copot de c s de eisd plac ” [lf.107]

Rad fil Goduini de Halla redd copot de x m arg de eisd plac” [lf.107]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Leurico Loc .ij.s. Siwardo de Ardena .xxx. s.” [lf.108]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Walto Croc xvii s.”[lf.108]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Walto Anglico .vj. s. ”[lf.108]

 “Orm de Derlauestona redd copot de xxxiiii. s. 7 viii. d. p. plegio Symon de Sais.” [lf.73] 

Darlaston in Walsall.

“Et Ide Gotso redd copot de xiiii m. arg. P Alwardo de Sumerford.” [lf.73]

“Orm de Acoura deb xiii m. arg. Qa retin hoes Reg injuste.”[lf.75] Orm of Okeover gave 15 marks of silver for that he had unlawfully held up the king's men.
This is the forefather of the Okeover kindred.


Above: Weapon of the Okeover kindred. Ermine a chief gules charged with three bezants.

 “Liulf de Aldredeslega redd compot de cc m arg 7 x fug 7 x accipitr p morte Gamel.”[lf.75]

This is the forefather of the wel-known kindred of Audley. 

Through wedlock an offshoot of this kindred took the toname and weapon of Stanley whence the Earls of Derby.

“Suein archari deb xx m arg de plac forest.”[lf.75]

“Quida ho Gamel fil Griffin deb xl s p plac thauri.”

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Walto Croc viii.s”
Another one of the House of Croc. 

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Alur arcar vi s”

“Robt- fil Leuestani . rcdd Copot . de .xvj. li. de Gilda Telarioz London.” [lf.144]
“Witso fil Leuestani deb dim m auri p tra 7 ministro pat's sui.” [lf.145]
“Godwin' quachehand . deb .iiij.m. auri . ut habet pace de plac Monet.”[lf.146]
“Otho Alwinessune de ix m.
“Hugo fil Vlgeri
“Wido fil Vlgeri
“ Vluiet”[lf.147]
“Algar 7 Spracheling
“Tierrico fil Dermani
“Alurico Grosso
“Walts Norrisc
 “Rad Hauoc deb ii girfals 7 ii Accipitr norrisc ut habet eande q'etatione q pat suus huit.
So Hawk.


“Adam 7 Samso filii Aldwini Camer.


“Robt fil Siwardi redd compot de xv m. arg. P. ministio. 7 uxore Hugon chiuilli.” [lf.53]

“Alur de Cheaffeworda redd copot de xl. s. p rustico verbato.” [lf.55] Ælfrīċ of Chafford gave a fine of 40 shillings for "rustic" speaking.  Chafford here is Chafford Heath in Upminster, the moot-stow of Chafford Hundred.
“Et in pdon p br. R. …Rob fil Siwardi xiiii s” [lf.56]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Rad fil Algoti. x. s” [lf.59]

“Et in pdon p br. R. …Rob fil Siwardi xxx.s. 7 vii.d” [lf.60]

“Godwin Dancere redd compot. De c. m. arg. p. plac de tra Herv monachi.” [lf.61]
So Dancer.

 “Et in pdon p br. R. …Hardingo svien Regine ix d.” [lf.62]
Harding servant of the queen. 

“Ailward de Risembgehundr redd copot de I m arg de eisde plac” [lf.100]

No English names.


“Hagena Jugement redd copot de ii. m. arg. Ut rex edonaret ei qd fugit de captioe 7 habet recta lege.” [lf.91]

"Jugement" seemingly as the king made him "in law" again.

“Ednod 7 Norman fr suus redd copot de v m arg p pace fracta.”[lf.92]

“Edmund de Gepeswic redd copot de v m arg p pace fracta.”[lf.92]

“Gunner de Gurlestona redd copot de xl s de eisde plac.”[lf.92]

“Vlchetell pbr redd copot de cc 7 xlv m arg de eisde plac.

Et in pdon p br R eide Vlchetello cc 7 xx m arg.”[lf.92]

“Goduin de Wichingeha redd copot de xl s de plac Ric bass. De Tietford.”[lf.93]

All from (Great) Yarmouth.

 “Hugo 7 Rog filii Alrici de Gernem redd copot de xx m arg p tra pat's sui.” [lf.91]

“Edstan de Gernemuda redd copot de xxxiii s 7 iiii d p plac thauri.”[lf.91]

“Siuerd de Gernem redd copot de x s p plac thauri.”[lf.92]

“Amund de Gernemv. copot de x s p plac thauri.”[lf.92]


“Wiuerona vxor Euerwacri de Gepeswic redd copot de iii li 7 I m arg ne capiat viru n que uoluerit.”[lf.96]


“Godwin de Taversham redd compot de ix li. 7 xv. s. p pace fracta.” [lf.45]

“Robt 7 Alwold de Lectona redd copot de v. m. arg. De plac G. de Clint. In pdon eisde v.m. Arg. P paupate sua.”[lf. 47]
Alwold from Leighton in Bromswold?

“Et Rumfaro xl. s. p. br. R. ad emd. I. Accipitr ad op Reg.” [lf.47]
 O.N. Rúmfari "one who makes the 'Rúm-ferð, m-fór', that is the pilgrimage to Rome".
“Uluric bulehals red Copot de ii m arg p defect duelli. In thauro libavit. Et quiet est.[lf.48]

 Wulfric Bulehals "Bull-neck".


 “Alur de Orlinberga red copot de I m arg p eode plac.” [lf.84]

Ælfrīċ of Orlingbury.


“Edgar de Saitona redd copot de xl s p tra par's sui.” [lf.134]

“Elwi 7 Schipeman redd compot de xm arg p plac thauri.”[lf.134]


  “Brichtwi pbr redd compot de x m arg de plac Ric Basset.”[lf.88]


“Ernewi’ de Minstertona red Copot de x m arg p recto tra sua. ” [lf.10]
Misterton, Nottinghamshire. 


“Alan fil Wigoti. Redd copot de xx m arg p omi veti debito pat's sui.” [lf.110]

“Outi de Linc. Redd copot de c accipitr norrisc 7 de c Girfals. Ita qd iiii ex his accip deb esse albi 7 vi girfals deb esse aldi. Et si n potit habe iiii Albos accip ic dabit iii albos girfals p iii accip alb. Et inde reddidit xxv girfals grisos. Et viii accip norrisc.” [lf.111]

“Vluiet de Hornecast deb c 7 v m arg p plac duelli int eu 7 hoiem suu.” [lf.112]

“Siward de Cantorp redd copot de x m arg de plac G. de Clint.” [lf.112]

“Godric de Gri[mesbi] redd copot de ii m arg 7 dim p quda thauro.” [lf.112]

“Siwat de Hoilanda redd copot de xii m arg. 7 dim p plac falsonarii.”[lf.112]

“Odo fil Chetelbti deb ii accip 7 ii girfals p tra pat's sui.”[lf.113]

“Wills fil Chetelli de Hornec redd copot de vii m arg p tra f'ris sui.”[lf.113]

“Haldena fil Lelle deb x m arg p pace fracta”[lf.113]

 “Vluerona uxor Vlf redd copot de vii m arg p pleg Toli.”[lf.113]

“Adelard de barou redd copot de lx m arg p plac falsi judicii.”[lf.115]

 “Rad fil Nig. Redd copot de L m arg de plac de Albin brit. Et Leowin de Rowella ho suus de xx m arg. Et Grimbald de Rowella ho suus de lx marg.” ”[lf.115]men of William of Albini

 “Alur fil God deb vii m arg p pace fracta.””[lf.116]

“Robt fil Chetelbti redd copot de xiii m arg p eode plac.”[lf.116]

“Grinchetell Mutere redd copot de v m arg p ...” [lf.116]

“Godric de Belesbi redd compot de v m arg de eisde plac. In pdon p br R eide Godrico xx d p amore Com Brittan.” [lf.116]

“Wills Orewite. Redd copot de x m arg de eisde plac.”[lf.116]

 “Chetell de Toresbi redd copot de x m arg de eisde plac”[lf.117]
“Alwin de Niweport redd copot de ii m arg de eisde plac.”[lf.118]
“Rad fil Godrici deb I equu de lx s ne placitet de tra sua.”[lf.118]

“Godric fil Leflet[lf.118]

“Rad 7 Godric ppositi de Grimesbi”[lf.118]

“Godric pbr Linc”[lf.118]

“Wigot de Hacetorna”[lf.119]

“Vlestan fil Goduini fabri”[lf.119]

“Alsi de Walescroft”[lf.120]

“Chetell de Crochesbi”[lf.120]

“Godric fil Alwini”[lf.120]

“Brand de Cast”[lf.120]

“Vlsi de Cheresbi”[lf.120]

“Ric fil Oswardi ”[lf.120]

“Turold de Estrebi”[lf.120]


 “Adam fil Sueini redd copot de . m. arg. p. dote mat's sue p' morte ei.”[Lf.25]

“Ivo fil Forn redd copot de c. s. p. tra pat's sui. Et de v. m. arg. De pla de Blida.” [Lf.25]
 This is the forefather of the well known Greystoke kindred.


“Benedict fil Aldreti de Everwic redd copot de. Xv m arg. P tra 7 Debitis pat's sui.” [lf.26]

And his brother's daughter maybe:
“Godereda filia Gospat’c fil Aldreti deb x m. arg. P recto de tra pat's sui.” [lf.31]

“Et in pdon p br. R.... Gameli de Hochesworda xx.s.”[lf.28]

“Et in pdon p br. R.... Chetello fil Sueini I. m. arg.”[lf.28]

“Et in pdon p br. R.... Ougrim de Frisemareis xl.s.”[lf.28]
Frismareis lost to the sea. But the FitzAlgrym kindred of some mark.

“Turfin fil Turfin. Redd copot. De v. m. arg. p. tra pat's sui.” [lf.32]

“Turbt fil Gamel. Redd copot de xl.m. Arg. Ut rex faciat ei habe saisitione de tra sua de Willo de Albamara.” [lf.33]

“Godric fil Chetelbti redd copot de iii. m. arg. De plac. W. espec.” [lf.33]

Turbert and Chetelbert are mistaken French dreeings at Þórbiǫrn and Ketilbiǫrn.

“Walts 7 Henr fr suus filii Ulchilli. Deb xx s. de eisde plac.”[lf.33]

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